If you do not already have an account, you must have one set up by the state or federal agency that issued your permit or license. Please find the numbers to call below
Partner abbrev | Partner name | State contact phone |
CT | Connecticut | (860) 434-6043 |
DE | Delaware | (302) 739-4782 |
MA | Massachusetts | (978) 491-6279 |
MD | Maryland | (410) 260-8341 |
ME | Maine | (207) 633-9412 |
NH | New Hampshire | (603) 868-1095 |
NJ | New Jersey | (609) 748-2020 |
NMFS-NE | NMFS - Northeast (GARFO) | (978) 281-9212 |
NMFS-SE | NMFS - Southeast (SEFHIER) | (833) 707-1632 |
NY | New York | (631) 444-0857 |
RI | Rhode Island | (401) 423-1926 |
SAFIS | SAFIS Technical Helpdesk | (800) 984-0810 |
SC | South Carolina | (843) 953-9365 |